May 16- 22 updated (full training plan)

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  • #6853


    Hi Team

    Remember to sign up for the Nipika Race!! It’s coming up May 28th (next week).

    We will start using Training Peaks next week as well. For this week your training plan is below.

    Monday (16): Off? (Take 1 day off this week, if you already trained Monday then take another day off)

    Tuesday (17): Z1 run and stretch 4:30-5:30pm. Meet at Harvie Heights parking lot (half way to HH)

    Wednesday (18): Precision shooting 4:30-6:00pm. Afterwards do a 45min run or 1.25hr bike OR the RMCC bike race.

    Thursday (19): Swimming 6:30-7:30pm

    Friday (20): Optional swim 8:00-9:00pm or Z1 run on own for 1hr

    Saturday (21): 1.25-1.5hr run or 2hr bike (Mtn or Rd)

    Sunday (22): 1hr run or 1.5hr bike (Mtn or Rd). If your feeling strong and recovered and if you did not race this week already, you should do a small amount of intensity. If running, do 15min @Z3 (3x5min or 2×7.5min). If biking, pick up the pace and push the uphills harder for 30min in the middle of the workout.

    Monday (23): Off day?

    Later 😀 😀

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