May 19-25

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  • #7522

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello Team,

    Before we get into the plan for the week, some important items to look into.

    1) a) Please go to the CNSC camps spreadsheet and let us know what your spring activities and summer time away will be. This is on the far right of the spreadsheet.
    b) Have a look at the camps and let us know your intentions so we can confirm bookings.
    c) For parents, we need and love your help. Let us know what camps you can come to. Kaslo especially we will need some extra drivers for all the fun training activities planned.

    The link:

    2)We will have a team meeting (parents, athletes, and coaches) for the LC1 and LC2 programs on June 5 at 6:15pm in the Bill Warren Training Center. It will cover the exciting year to come :mrgreen:

    Training this week:
    Tuesday (20): Ride your bike from home leaving at 5:00PM and arrive at the BWTC for strength at 5:50PM. After strength, ride home to arrive at your house by 6:45PM. Choose your route so that you get a nice 50 minute Zone 1 ride.

    Thursday (22): 4:30PM-6:00PM Meet at Elizabeth Rummel School for Zone 1 run. Remember your drink belt (to stay hydrated) and HR monitor (to stay in YOUR zones).

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