May 19-25th training week

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    Hey Team:

    I thought id get practice info out sooner then later since its the long weekend coming up!

    T1/T2 this will be your first camp weekend (May 24-25th), these are important training camps so make sure you attend!

    * Easiest way to do this is by group…so check your group schedule.

    Tuesday: Rollerskiing with Bia/XC- T2/TC/TW. Please meet at 4:30 (or before) at the Sheraton. We will ski between there and Harvie heights.
    Wednesday: 8:30-10:30; Mid-Z3 combo and drills
    Friday: 8:30-10:30; Strength, warm-up combo and drills
    Sunday: 9:00am; combo session with all junior racing. 11:30-12:30 soccer at lawrence Grassi with all Junior racing

    Tuesday: Rollerskiing with Bia/XC- T2/TC/TW. Please meet at 4:30 (or before) at the Sheraton. We will ski between there and Harvie heights.
    Thursday; 4:30-6:30; combo and strength (with T2). Back to meeting at Nordic Centre.
    Sunday: 9:00am combo session with all junior racing team. 11:30am-12:30pm soccer at Lawrence grassi with all junior racing team.

    Tuesday: Rollerskiing with Bia/XC- T2/TC/TW. Please meet at 4:30 (or before) at the Sheraton. We will ski between there and Harvie heights.
    Thursday; 4:30-6:30; combo and strength (with TC). Back to meeting at Nordic Centre.
    Weekend: T1/T2 CAMP
    Saturday- rollerski in morning; Meet at 9:30am at the Sheraton. Lunch will be at Elizabeth Rummel (we will rollerski there). Afternoon will be a hike up Lady Mac. We will be finished around 3:00pm.
    Sunday- 9:00am Combo session and 11:30am soccer at Lawrence Grassi. We will be finished around 12:30pm.

    ** TC/TW are invited to the sunday day of the T1/T2 camp. We will do combo at 9:00am and then drive down and play soccer at 11:30am. I will need some parent helpers to drive athletes down (T1, T2, TC, TW = about 22-23 biathletes!) It should be a huge game of soccer!! 😀

    Enjoy the long weekend, Its supposed to be sunny!! 8)

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