May 21-27 T2 schedule

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  • #7143


    Hi T2s

    Here is the week’s plan:
    Monday, May 21 – on your own – a run or a ride on trails for about an hour would be awesome if you can fit this in. Pls note: no swimming tonight from 8-9pm as the pool is closed early.

    Tuesday, May 22 – 3-5pm – join us after school for a swim at the pool (its ok to arrive late), and a run and stretching afterwards.

    Wed, May 23 – 430-6pm – lets meet for a run and some strength work. lets meet at the team room!

    Thursday, May 24 – on your own – soccer or some exercise for about an hour would be great – your choice!

    Friday – Sunday May 25-27 – it is great to be active and if you can find a friend to get out a couple of times on the weekend for a run, or a bike ride or a swim that would be awesome. Whatever you do, try to find something that you really enjoy that gets your heart and lungs working – hiking with your family is a great thing to do as well. One or two hours per day would be a great target – More is OK if it is low intensity.

    Please note – we have our program information meeting coming up on Wed May 30 615-715pm at the Bill Warren Training Centre.


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