May 23-29 No Training

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  • #15249

    Stuart Harden

    Hi group,

    Monday the 23rd is a holiday so there will be no team training this week. Looking forward to the following week we will be going on a bike ride on Monday 30th; now is a good time to make sure your gear (road or mountain bike) is in good working order. Please make sure:

    • you have a helmet, gloves, reflective/bright clothing, and sunglasses. Padded shorts are also recommended.
    • your brakes, chain, shifters, and tires are all in good working order
    • you have a spare tube, a pump, and a multitool with you (if you are unsure about this equipment please still come to training, we can talk about what tools you should invest in)

    Enjoy the long weekend and see you soon!

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