May 23 to May 29

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  • #7920

    Rachel Koroscil

    Hello Biathletes!

    Reminders from Matt:
    Hopefully after an easy week of training and a holiday weekend you are all feeling recovered and energized after our Vernon camp. Spring is the time to get out and enjoy all the other sports and activities that are available in our valley. This time of year as a ski racer it is good to be active 5-6 days per week. If you are not participating in another sport Tuesday or Thursday afternoon, it makes the most sense to come to team sessions to get in your training.

    The sign up deadline for camps this summer is June 1. Please head over to the sign up sheet and let us know your plans. Don’t forget to fill out your spring activities and summer time away on the far right. Thank you to all of you that have already done this. We are looking for a few more parent volunteers for Kaslo and 1 more support vehicle for our Multisport Week. … edit#gid=0

    The Canada Day Fun Run is just over 5 weeks away. It is a great family event and of course a good workout. This year, we are offering a 3km, 5km, and a 10km option. This is a fun chance to challenge a sibling, friend, or parent to come out and test their fitness against yours (all LCs are expected to race the 5km or 10km). Chat it up and let’s see how many people we can get out this year. More details about the race here: … n-run.html

    With the kick off of a new season, we will be having a parent/athlete/coach meeting to go over the details of the XC LC1 and LC2 program for the year.
    If you are planning on doing some XC this year, you should be at this meeting. Otherwise we will cover the same topics in the individual meetings coming up for the biathlon information.

    LC1 XC meeting May 26 from 6:00-6:45
    LC2 XC meeting May 31 from 6:00-6:45

    Individual biathlon specific meetings will open next week after the XC meetings (See above -26th and 31st)!

    Training this week:

    Monday (23) No Shooting: Enjoy your long weekend!

    Tuesday (24) 4:30-6:00 Uphill Running Test! We are implementing an uphill running test this year to help you see your progression of fitness throughout the season, and year over year. Bring your heart rate monitor as you will get close to your max heart rate and get ready to go for it. Meet at the teamroom.

    Thursday (26) 4:30-6:00 Run and Strength. Developing strength is a key element of becoming a good skier and it doesn’t happen if you don’t do the work. Meet at the teamroom.

    Saturday (28) 9-11 Shooting Block

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