May 25 – 31 schedule

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  • #6326

    Alain Parent

    Hello gang, here’s the plan for team training before the camp.

    Tue (26)
    AM: TW + any other, meet at Harvey Height gravel parking lot at 9am for some sk-rs. We will focus on technique.
    PM: LC/TC + any other, meet at BWTC at 4:30pm for some running with speed, and strength training. Bring your strength plan and some other clean running shoes for the gym workout. We will be done at 6:15pm

    Thu (28)
    No group workout today.

    Friday to Sunday
    See camp schedule and training program

    Monday (June 1)
    Stretching, no other training. This is the start of the recovery week, so take real good care of yourself. 😀 :mrgreen:

    Winners make goals, losers make excuses
    – Unknown

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