May 27- June 2

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  • #6795

    Matt DeCarufel

    Great work in the Strength Test last Thursday. You all have set the bar well for the season and are in a great position to make some big improvements. Two team workouts coming up this week.

    Tuesday, May 28: Bike from HOME to CNC for strength, then bike HOME for cool down.
    -If you DID NOT do the strength test on May 23, bike from home for 30 min to warm up. Arrive at the gym at 17:30 for your National Strength Test.
    -If you DID the strength test on May 23, bike from home for 30 min to warm up. Arrive at the gym at 17:45 for strength. All will bike home from the workout for cool down to arrive home by 19:00. Feel free to make groups and ride with friends.

    Thursday, May 30: **AMAZING RACE CANMORE** take 2. 16:30-18:00 Meet at Quarry Lake with running shoes and drink belts. Hopefully mother nature will work with us this week.

    See you all soon,

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