May 4th and 7th

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello T2s,

    Spring has sprung. Time to get that road bike out and dust it off. Our first two sessions of the year will be focusing on road bike safety as we ride quite a bit at the club. Give your bike a good look over: pump the tires, lube your chain, check your brakes to get it ready for riding. As always, you must have a helmet and reflective vest when we are biking. Be safe, be seen.

    We understand that there is a lot of equipment to buy out there. For our local training sessions, it is not necessary to have a road bike. You can still attend on a mountain bike with your tires pumped up nice and firm (45PSI) and learn all about road biking. But, when we are at camps where road biking is an activity, you will need a road bike- either rented, borrowed, or owned.

    Friday May 4: 5:00-6:30pm @ the BWTC
    This session is mandatory for athletes​ ​going to Vernon and​ ​born in 2004 and 2005. It is also open for other/older athletes that need a refresher. We will cover topics such as pedaling stroke, riding in traffic, 7 hand signals, cadence, paceline, climbing- sitting versus standing, bike fitting and adjusting, etc…. We will be inside to start, then hit the bikes and put all that information to use.

    Monday May 7: 5:00-6:30pm @ Elevation Place
    Road bik​ing
    We will ride around Canmore to get ready for biking season and the Vernon camp. Bring water bottles on your bike so you can hydrate throughout the session.

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein

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