May 8 to 14

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  • #8179

    Rachel Koroscil

    A great camp in Vernon, congratulations everyone. A bit of recovery this week to digest it all. Take 2 full rest days this week!

    Please register for your program. Check on our website and click register on the top left.

    Here’s the team plan for this week:

    Monday (8): LC, LC+. Static Shooting 4:30-6:00

    Tuesday (9): T2, LC, LC+. Running and stairs. meet at Riverside park. 4:45-6:15pm.

    Wednesday (10): LC, LC+. Strength in gym. Meet at the front of bwtc. 4:45-6:15pm

    Saturday (13): LC, LC+ 9:30-10:30 Static Shooting *Time Change*

    Windup Details:
    1. Please sign up on the Doodle poll so we know how many biathletes are coming.

    2. Here is the website link for more information and directions.

    3. Very important is that the waiver is downloaded and filled out and comes with you to the facility.

    4. That evening we will be having our family potluck at the Pianosi-Houden household at 6:00pm. Please bring a dish to share. Remember to bring your plates, cutlery and cup or glass. Lynda wants folks to know that they have 2 cats and a dog. Their address is 102 Squirrel Crescent in Rundleview.

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