Mega Post- Feb 17th-Mar 22nd

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    This post has all the information for the rest of the sessions, so check back weekly for this post. I will be away to the Midget Championships in Quebec and then trying to catch some of the Olympics in Whistler, classic waxing will be up to you to make an educated guess based on temperature and conditions, a great guide is the waxing guide posted at the top of our Track Attack forum.

    Feb 18th- Cancelled- Teacher Conference.

    Feb 20th- BCRR Canmore: SKATE. Make sure to register and check in to the team room for your bib and to find out who you are warming up with. Use a warm glide wax for your skis, a yellow, soft wax will do for the warm conditions on Saturday.

    Feb 22nd- Cancelled. With the BCRR race and the Cookie race next weekend, this will be enough for the kids.

    Feb 25th- SKATE. CNC 5:00

    Feb 27th- Cookie Race Kanaskis: CLASSIC. Register online. Look for the CNSC area for waxing. Rhonda will be available for some help. Club will look after kick, glide to be done at home.

    Mar 1st- SKATE. Intro to Track Attack kids can “Bring a Friend” night. Rentals are available at Trail Sports, bring a friend and introduce them to TA.
    LT1,LT2 kids will have the same opportunity Thurs Mar 4th.

    Mar 4th- CLASSIC. LT1, LT2 kids to “Bring a Friend” night. Kids going to Salmon Arm should consider skipping out on tonight session as they will have plenty of skiing over the weekend and should rest up.

    Mar 5th, 6th, 7th- BC Midget Champs- details to follow. Depature 1) early in the am to ski on site in the afternoon. 2) depart after lunch to meet group at hotel in the evening.

    Mar 8th- Pizza Night. No skiing, Pizza to arrive 5:15, music and indoor games to follow, pick up time is 6:30. Please bring $5 for a few slices and a drink.

    Mar 10th- Parent Meeting BWTC 6:30pm.

    Mar 11th- SKATE: L2T will join Kathy’s T1 practice. Graduating JR will join TA practice, TA kids interested in trying Biathlon will have an opportunity to try it this session.

    Mar 13th- RMSC Ski Race at CNC. Parent Lead ( I will be at Nationals, Whitehorse) same procedure as normal BCRR races. Volunteers needed for warm ups and bib pick ups, check in with Laurie.

    Mar 15th- SKATE: Rhonda to lead TA practice

    Mar 18th- CLASSIC: Roy to lead TA practice

    Mar 20th- BCRR Wind Up race: COP Calgary. Register online. Parent Lead, check for details.

    Mar 22nd- SKATE: Last day of TA. :45 minute session then pizza, awards and a slide show to follow. Bring $5 for a few slices and a drink. Forward good TA pictures from the year to Heather Holliday who is putting together the slideshow.

    Mar 27th, 28th- Sharkfest @Mt. Shark. optional if kids are still keen to race.

    See you soon.

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