Mental training #2

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  • #5950


    Hey Team:

    Round two of our mental training regime… “Positive Self Talk”

    This is a bit of a continuation from last weeks “Positive outlook”. Positive self talk is a stategy and skill used to keep a positive outlook.
    Most people have many negative thoughts run through their heads daily, this is common but these thoughts do not do us any good. When these thoughts enter our head we need to “re-shape the thoughts” into positive ones (last weeks mental training tip). However, there is a way to limit the amount of negative talk entering our head, we can be proactive. This is where positive self talk comes in. Positive self talk is just that: Positive talk to yourself or talking positively to yourself.

    Positive self talk: We can repeat positive phrases in our minds, “I am strong”, “I am fast” or words ” Confidence”, “Power” during training and competitions. When preformed well, these positive words and statements dont allow the negative thoughts to enter your head. You also start believeing every word or phase you say. Actively working at this mental skill will make you more positive people. The spinoff of being a positive person is confidence and confidence is the key to mastering anything you want. Give it a try! 😀

    Questions or extra help with any of these mental skills just ask…

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