Mon 17th- Sat 22nd

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  • #6260


    Hi Everyone

    Monday Jan 17th: CLASSIC.
    -please apply a thin layer of universal klister to your classic skis. (or equivalent klister for ice, and snow mix, plus zero. Or take your chances with a warm hardwax either yellow or red for most brands.)

    Thursday Jan 20th: Skate.

    Friday Jan 21st: Register before 6:00pm today if you are planning to attend the Nipika/Tobey Creek Loppet at Nipika on Saturday or Sunday. I suggest doing the classic 5km on Saturday. registration is on and a BBQ lunch is included in your registration fee. This will be a fun event and give the kids an opportunity to ski somewhere else that is relatively close by. I will be out there to do the kick waxing. Races start at 11:00. You can pick up your bib between 9:00-10:30 at the barn. Please arrive then and track me down to do some waxing. I will have the TA wax box but please also bring your own.

    See you this week.

    Saturday Jan 22nd: 5km Classic Nipika Loppet.

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