Mon Mar 7-10

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  • #6826


    Wow! what a great weekend. The Ski Tournament, AB skate race, and the team sprint. Way to go everyone.

    A special thanks goes out to all the helpers and bakers who helped with the Ski Tournament it made for a real special day.

    Onto this week:
    Mon Mar 7th- CLASSIC. apply a few layers of Rode Multigrade (0)-(-2), or for something a bit stickier Rode Violet (0).

    Thurs Mar 10th- SKATE.

    Looking Ahead:
    next week (Mar 12-19) is Nationals here in Canmore, there are tons of flyers around, plus a schedule of events in the paper, and race notice on our CNSC home page. This event isn’t for our TA athletes, but it would be great to get them up to the CNC to catch some of the action.
    PLUS they will be closing main street to add snow and hold some fun races and demo’s on the main street. This Saturday is for the Jackrabbit and Track Attack aged kids, check this out:

    Sunday March 20th: is the Final windup for the BCRR. It’s a fun costume filled day at COP in Calgary. Plus we will be going to one of the wave pools in Calgary for a fun group activity for the crew. Approx. cost $5.

    Monday March 21th: We had the last day of TA scheduled for this session, but I’ve decided to CANCEL today and we will hold our last day of TA the following Thursday March 24th. It will be a fun pizza party with awards and a slideshow. I will be looking for a few people to donate a fruit plate for supper.

    Thanks a lot
    See you soon.

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