Monday November 26, Thursday November 29, Saturday Dec 1

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  • #5823


    Here is the week:

    1) Monday Skate – meet at biathlon stadium 5:00

    2) Thursday Classic – meet at team room 5:00

    3) Saturday Classic – meet at team room 9:30 **

    For the classic days:

    1) clean grip zone
    2) apply binder and heat in with iron or heat gun (TOKO green is good)
    3) have grip zone marked on the ski
    3) meet at team room for wax of the day

    ** we will begin with an easy 45 minute ski for the LT2 kids and some of the LT1’s. Then we will do some technique in the day light and maybe video.

    REMEMBER THAT THE NORDIC CENTRE IS NOW CHARGING – so please buy a ticket or better still a yearly membership. Everyone has to pay for night skiing this year. CNSC members get a 10% discount on yearly passes.

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