HI Team
Last race weekend of the season but we get to race up at Shark, which is always fun and a good change of scenery.
Info for Saturday: Mass Start Skate
There has been a lot of fresh snow lately so give yourself some time to get there – about 45 minutes from the nordic centre. With the snow the roads are also in poor condition so have a safe drive up!
It’s supposed to snow overnight so before you leave please check the RMR website to make sure the race is on (they will make a post if its cancelled). http://www.rmracers.ca/ Also, check the rmr website for course maps, so you have an idea of where you’ll be skiing.
Start times: ** Please arrive 1h and 15min before your start. When you arrive please find Roddy and Roy’s vehicles (ford focus station wagon with black thule/white ford winstar) (we’ll park side by side).
Mini Midget Boys: 10:30am
Mini MIdget Girls: 10:32am
Midget Boy: 10:40am (2×2.2km)
Midget Girl: 10:42am (2×2.2km)
Junior Boy: 11:20am (2×3.4km)
Junior Girl: 11:22am (2×3.4km)
Open Men: 12:00pm (2.2, 5.2, 5.2km)
Open Women: 12:02pm (2.2, 3.4, 3.4km)
Juvenile Boy: 12:40pm (2.2, 3.4km)
Juvenile Girl: 12:42pm (2.2, 3.4km)
Sunday: Team sprints Skate
** Teams (find a partner) need to be in to the race office (Carol Jaques) by Saturday @noon. If you registered you and your partners name on zone 4 then you’re good. Here are the start times and distances for sunday. check the rmr website for course maps.
Juv/Jr Girl, Sr mixed female: 10am (700m)
Juv/Jr Boy, Senior mixed male, Mixed gender senior: 10:25am (700m)
Mini Midget Girl & Boy: 11:15am (425m)
Midget Boy, Junior mixed male: 11:35am (425m)
Midget Girl, Junior mixed female: 11:50am (425m)
Open Women: 12:15pm (1.1km loop)
Open Men: 12:45pm (1.1km loop)
Roy & Roddy