Next 2 weeks Jan. 27th to Feb 8th

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  • #6172


    Hi Team:

    You will all be joining XC for the next week and a half (till wednesday, Feb. 4th). Please look at the XC forum for updates and details. This next while will be more physical training then we have done in a while. It’s a good chance to bump up our training volume. Get in those hours and you can make some good fitness gains.

    Important: Please dryfire a lot during the next 2 weeks. For many of you the GP races will be trials for AB Team to Nationals. With the range closed due to the races, dryfire will be the only shooting practice you get! I suggest taking this opportunity to dryfire each day for at least 15min OR every second day for 30min.

    Here’s the group training plan for the next 2 weeks:
    * Again, keep an eye on the XC forum for updates and changes. I took most of the writing in blue from the XC forum (I’ve added writing in brackets).

    Tuesday (27): 4:30 – 6:15. Meet on west side of day lodge. You will do some Z1 & Z4 intervals in skating (do hours from training plan)

    Wednesday (28): 4:30 – 6:15. Meet at the same place for some Z1 skate technique and drills + Z1 continuous training (training plan says classic, do skate but get same hours as plan. Bring food, session will be long for some)

    Thursday (29): 4:30 – 6:30. Same place. We will do some Z1 classic with speed work and upper body strength. I (Alain) will post a recommended wax on the XC forum the day before. You will have to wax your own skis at home.

    Sunday (1): Toby Creek Skate Loppet at Nipika (5km and 10km races). You will meet in the morning and drive to Nipika. Look at XC forum for more info later.

    Tuesday (3): With XC still. Look at XC forum next week for workout details.

    Wednesday (4): SK Combo (range open, Roddy back). Z1-3, depends on recovery state. Show up ready to do anything easy or hard.

    Thursday (5): Leave for GP? More info soon.

    Friday (6): Official training in GP

    Saturday (7): Individual race. Nationals trials race.

    Sunday (8): Sprint race. Nationals trial race.

    Make sure you come out and watch some racing action next week!! It’ll be a good learning opportunity. It’s a good chance to see the best Junior/Youth racers in the world, something you don’t get to see very often.

    😀 😀

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