Next 2 weeks of training! updated

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  • #6850


    Hey Biathletes,

    Reminder: Please bring in your signed bike forms this week!

    Before I post the next 2 weeks of training I wanted to send some advice to you all with respect to this seasons training:

    Personal success in biathlon has everything to do with becoming the best cross country skier you can be. The athletes that take care to improve their fitness and ski technique (skate and classic) are the athletes who have the most success. The athletes that actively race in cross country (classic and skate) and push them selves to keep pace with the cross country skiers are the one’s that produce impressive results down the road. As athletes get older the ski distances increase, while the time spent shooting (and time to do a penalty loop) stay the same. Shooting can be learned at any time. Becoming a good skier is different, the younger you start with committed training the better. Yes, becoming a good skier takes hard work, but improvement, overcoming challenges and striving to accomplish your goals is also extremely fun and rewarding. You all have a great team/group to train with so this process of improvement will be a lot of fun socially as well. You are all pretty luck to have that. With this in mind, we will focus on physical training sessions and mostly have shooting sessions in addition to the team physical sessions. Shooting is still important of course, so we will still have a good amount of shooting sessions and utilize shooting blocks where the focus will be higher, plus I will send out dryfire plans so you can all practice at home.

    Now for the next 2 weeks sessions!

    reminder: Sign up for Nipika running race and Wasa triathlon!

    week 1:
    Tuesday (10): Z1 run 4:30-6:00pm. Stretching to finish. Meet at Cougar Creek parking lot.

    Thursday (12)-Sunday (15): Vernon ski camp!!!!! 😀 😀 😀

    week 2:

    Tuesday (17): Z1 run and stretch 4:30-5:30pm. Meet at Harvie Heights parking lot (half way to HH)

    Wednesday (18): Precision shooting 4:30-6:00pm

    Thursday (19): Swimming 6:30-7:30pm

    Friday (20): Optional swim 8:00-9:00pm

    *Long weekend no sessions, train on own.

    I am excited to help you all as a group improve and achieve your personal goals! 😀 😀

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