Next Week

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  • #6010


    Hi Team

    Great camp this weekend! We got in some very good quality training in volume, intensity and technique. I thought you all made very good progress saturday with technique after we chatted, please keep up this focus.

    Monday is a recovery day, make sure you all rest well!

    Next week will look like this:

    Tuesday (T2-TC-TW): Running Combo 4:30-6:15, then athlete/parent meeting from 6:30-6:45.

    Wednesday a.m. (TW): Z1 SK rollerski combo

    Wednesday p.m. (T2-TC-TW): Z3 CL ski strength, DP + Kick DP with skiers. We will meet at the Nordic Centre. No shooting. We are asking the T2-TC-TW (xc and biathlon) to stay 15minutes at the end of the workout to clean up the team room.

    Thursday: no practice (Strength on own, 1 set off each exercise)

    Friday- Sunday (T2-TC): Biathlon Alberta Competition Camp. If you have not registered please do so asap, it closes sept. 30th.

    Saturday (for TW): SK-RS TT. Zero 9:00am, race start 10:00am (same race as BA Camp).

    Think recovery strategies for everyday this week. With the camp on the weekend you will have to be more diligent about your recovery early in the week.

    Later y’all,
    8) 8)

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