Nov 19-25

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello TTs,

    • Registration for AB Cup 1&2 closes Wed!  See last week’s forum for rego details.
    • Check the forum later in the week for race details.
    • **NEW** starting this week we’ll be meeting to start each session ON SKIS at the end of the flags closest to the range.


    Weekly Schedule:

    Mon @ CNC 5-6:30 –  CLASSIC skills & game. Meeting @ flags.   Please bring skate gear & running shoes and leave in team room incase a last minute change is warranted.  Wax:  Thin layer of Swix Uni Klister covered with a layer of Rhode violet multigrade hard wax.  How to:  apply klister, let ski cool outside.  While outside and ski cold, gently crayon on a layer of hardwax (easier if hardwax also cold).  Cork quickly, and as little as possible, with longer gentle strokes.  Do the best you can, this wax job won’t look perfect.

    Tues Biathlon.  T2 4:45-6:15, T1 6:30-8.  On skis.  Remember to bring warm gloves or overmitts!

    Wed @ CNC 5-6:30 – SKATE.  Race prep ski!

    Sat/Sun – Alberta Cups 1&2.  Details to follow.

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