Nov 26-Dec 2 – Practice Plans & Alberta Cup races

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    HI T1s and T2s

    Here is what we have planned for practices this week:

    Tuesday, Nov 27 – Classic ski – 5-630pm for everyone. T2s please meet me at the BWTC gym for a strength session from 430-500pm. Lets try Rode multigrade for our kick wax on tuesday.

    Wed Nov 28 – please make sure you registered for the AB cup races – registration closes wednesday evening – link to registration is Please note, even though you signed up on the club spreadsheet to attend this race, you still need to register on zone 4 for the event.

    Thursday Nov 29 – Skate skiing – 5-630pm

    Friday, Nov 30 – please check back for info about what to do with skis for the weekend races!

    Sat Dec 1 – Mass Start Skate race – CNC – (1999, 2000 birth years – 2km; 2001 birth year 1.3km) – more info found at check the race notice for details on start times. Please also check back on the forum later in the week regarding when we would like you to arrive at the team room.

    Sun Dec 2 – Ind Start Classic race – CNC (1999, 2000, 2001 birth years – 2km) – again look for more info later in the week regarding when we’d like you to arrive.

    This will be a really awesome fun week for our team – we have been working really hard at our fitness and technique and a race is a great opportunity to challenge ourselves to be our best. I hope everyone participates!

    see you this week on the snow!


    Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
    Theodore Roosevelt
    26th president of US (1858 – 1919)

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