Nov 28 and December 1 (cancelled due to cold)

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    Sara Renner

    *updated at 16:45 on November 30.The Canadian flag is flying full force at the Nordic Center today. The high for Thursday, December 1 is -20. Thursdays session will be cancelled. Stoke the fires and stay cozy, peeps.

    Environment Canada forecast is predicting a windchill of -18 this evening. We will be cancelling the November 28 session*

    Hi folks,

    The forecast is for colder weather this week. Be sure your child arrives in weather appropriate clothing. Frozen hands happen in thin nordic gloves. As I mentioned in the parent meeting, mitts that can fit in nordic pole straps, are a must and will help everyone enjoy skiing safely in cold weather.

    Cold weather policy -15 degrees. Cut-off ambient air temperatures (without windchill) for training sessions measured/estimated 1 hours before the start of the session. Any cancellation or changes in length will be posted on the forum

    We will be classic skiing for both sessions this week.

    Monday, November 28
    Classic-3 layers of blue wax.

    Thursday, December 1
    Classic- 3 layers of blue wax.

    Alberta Cup December 10 and 11
    The focus is on fun. Ten minutes of kids trying their best on nordic skis, followed by many hours of playing in snow with your teammates. Racing is a great way to get your kid hooked and build team in a supportive atmosphere. Registration deadline is December 6.

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