Nov. 29-Dec 5 training

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  • #6710


    Hi Team

    First races of the season this weekend!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 XC AB CUP 😀

    Hopefully everyone is registered! If not, get at it 😛

    Here is how the week will look!

    Tuesday (30): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 SK combo and strength in gym

    Wednesday (1): 4:30-6:15pm. Mid week classic intensity, details soon. Stretching to finish. 😀

    Thursday (2): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1-2 SK combo. Also, race waxing for Saturday’s race (if you want to use club wax) between 6:30-7:30pm. I will have wax and irons etc. out. I’ll have a wax suggestion on this day (so if you want to wax your skis at home). Please leave your skis after you wax them or bring them Friday morning waxed to the team room between 9-11am (place is rack at the back of the room, beside hot box with athletes name clearly labelled on them, i.e. with tape). It’s important to leave the skis as we will likely add to this base layer of wax before the race/after testing.

    Friday (3): Drop your skate skis off at the team room in the afternoon. All glide waxed and scraped with the recommendation that we will send you by email on Thursday. Make sure your name is on them and you put them in the rack that says skate race skis. The more skis we have on Friday, the earlier we will be able to start top coats on Saturday morning.

    ** Check forum Friday night as details for the weekend will be posted after the coaches meeting.

    Saturday (4): SK Sprint. More details online and to come

    Sunday (5): Classic distance. More details on line and to come.

    I’m excited to get going with the racing! Will be fun! 😀

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