Nov 29 to Dec 5

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    Rachel Koroscil

    Mon, Nov 29 – No Training – Rest Day

    Tues, Nov 30 – Classic Standing Only Biathlon Combo 4:45-6:15.

    Teammate Led Session.

    Wed, Dec 1 – Skate Technique and Agility (No Shooting)

    Meet Rachel and Stu at the flags at 4:45. Done at 6:00.

    Thurs, Dec 2 – Skate Sprints and Agility Split with Strength in the Gym (No Shooting) 

    Boys: Ski 4:45-5:45,   Strength 5:45-6:45

    Girls: Strength 4:45-5:45,     Ski 5:45-6:45

    Sat, Dec 4 – No Team Training – Please let Matt know if you can help with TT. 

    See Training Peaks for training on your own.

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