Hi everyone,
The snow is coming! We got enough yesterday to freshen up frozen thunder nicely.
Monday: Skate on Frozen Thunder. This week you need to add a HEADLAMP to your gear list. It will be pitch black by 5:30 ish and there are no lights on FT. Also bring your running shoes, we will do some running after we ski. We will start skiing right at 5pm so please be on time.
Thursday: No session
Friday: Gymnastics. Meet at lobby of gym at 4:30pm dressed to run outside (no shorts). Pick up at 6pm at gymnastics gym.
**Important: Please make sure that you arrive to all TA workouts on time and ready to start at 5pm sharp. This means arriving 5 mins early to get all your gear on. Kids have been dribbling in up to 10 mins late every session and it is not fair to those that are on time to have to wait for the late arrivals. Also please ensure that you pick up your child on time at 6:30pm, we all lead busy lives and the coaches need to get home to their families. I understand that stuff happens so if for some exceptional reason you will be late dropping off or late picking up please text me and let me know (403-609-0760). Some workouts it map be hard to find us if you are late.
See you out there!