Hi Team
LL camp cancelled this week 🙁 🙁 We are now officially in the “In between” training season… hopefully we are blessed with snow soon!! 😕
We will carry on like a normal week. This week it’ll be important you keep checking back to the forum for info. We will likely make decisions late depending on what the weather/conditions (for skiing, rollerskiing etc.) will be.
Consider the following schedule as your training program for this week. Alain will give you a personalized plan once outdoor training conditions stabilize.
Monday (9): OFF
Tuesday (10): 4:30-6:30pm. Running combo and strength in gym
Wednesday (11): 4:30-6:15pm. Intensity night, ski stride/run @NC
Thursday (12): 9:00-11:15am. SK ski Combo at NC (bring running shoes as back-up). Range closes by 11:00am for maintenance so can’t do a later start.. ADT Camp start today for those doing it 😀
Friday (12): Be active in Z1 for 1hr today, phone a friend. Some of you have the ADT/AST camp. Volleyball players should try to sneak a short run in (0.5-1.0hr).
Saturday (13): Ski @ NC. 10:00am start.
Sunday (14): Z1 SK ski @ NC (1.5 hr) on own. Have fun, likely see you out there!
Monday (15): Rest day
😀 😀 😀 😀