November 1-7 * Updated on Friday at 9am

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  • #14370

    Alain Parent

    MONDAY (1)
    Meet at the BWTC at the times below. A good idea to ski on FT for 45min either before or after.

    5:00-6:00 – Heidi, Sabine, Sophia, Theo, Anna, Ben T
    6:00-7:00 – Kaisa, Tobias, Tabby, Bjorn, Ben B, Felix, Callum

    Tuesday (2)

    445-630: Skate skiing on FT followed by running. Arrive at 445 and warm up OYO for 15min. Meet at the groomer at 5pm.

    Wednesday (3)

    445-615: Skate intensity on FT. Arrive at 445 and warm up OYO for 15min. Meet at the groomer at 5pm.

    Thursday (4)

    445-645: Run and strength in the gym.

    Women in the gym first 445-545.
    Men running first 445-545. Meet at the team room.

    Saturday (6)

    Ski classic and running.

    Group 1: 830am arrival. Ski classic warm up for 15min OYO, meet at groomer at 845. We will switch to running and finish the workout at 1045am. Bring your bib and running shoes.

    Group 2: 915am arrival. Meet Morgan at the team room for a 45min run. You will then switch to classic skiing on FT. The workout will end at 1130. Bring your FT bib and running shoes.

    Classic wax recommendation:

    FT will be a bit icy today with the overnight freeze. The base klister will help in making your top klister last the entire workout. Again, don’t let your parents do the waxing for you, get your hands dirty and learn!

    • Start with clean skis
    • Sand the grip zone with sandpaper grit#120.
    • Apply a very thin klister base of purple or blue klister (Swix or Rode), 5 dots on each side of the groove. Use a heat gun and an old cork to smooth the klister. A good video example here, but you don’t need a 2nd iron!:
    • FOR SATURDAY’S CONDITIONS: Apply about 10 dots of Swix Universal klister on each side of the groove. heat up a bit and smooth with your thumb or an old cork.

    Wax videos HERE

    Waxing guide HERE

    “Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.”
    – Unknown

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