November 12-18

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello TTs,

    Awesome work up at the Lake Louise Camp. Many great gains made technically, physically, and mentally, as well as some great times with your teammates. You should be tired at the start of the week, but that energy will come back and you will be stronger than before. There were quite a few left over muffin/ cookie containers and some clothing. It will be in the teamroom on Wednesday. Please pick it up.

    Everyone doing the AB Cup, don’t delay and get yourself registered on Zone4.

    Team Sessions for this week:

    Tuesday 13th No TT Biathlon. Have a rest and recover after the camp.

    Wednesday 14th @ CNC 5:00-6:30
    45 minutes outside running and agility and 45 minutes inside practicing goal setting and learning about training. T1s will start inside, then head outside to run. T2s will start running, then come inside. T2s be sure to bring dry clothes to change into and a snack. Meet at the teamroom.

    Thursday 15th – 4:45-6:15 Biathlon.  See email for details.

    Saturday 17th @ 10am-12pm, Starting and finishing at Moraine Lake!  Classic ski tour on the single track!  Please pack 1-2 bars in your drink belt.  Looking for a few parents to join as us as helpers.  Please email Hilary if you can help out.  Wax: Extra Blue, but throw some violet multigrade in your drinkbelt just in case.

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