November 12-18 UPDATED

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  • #7623

    Alain Parent

    Hi everyone,
    Welcome back to all the ITA kids this week. The real ski season has begun!

    LOTS of important info in this post so make sure you read all the way to the bottom.

    ** We need parent helpers every session this winter. This is a necessary part of the program, with no parent helpers we will not be able to run the workouts. There is a separate post at the top of my forum with a link to a google signup sheet where you can sign up to help out. We need 4-6 parents each night. This is in addition to the coaches.

    This is how the week looks:

    Skating. Meet at team room at 5. Bring a water bottle and a HEADLAMP. A headlamp is mandatory and necessary equipment for every session all winter. The lights are NOT on at the nordic centre at this time of year so you will be skiing in the dark if you have no headlamp. And most of the season we will be skiing on trails that are not lit anyway.

    Thursday: Classic. Kids need to have their skis waxed and ready to go for 5pm every time we do classic. wax: Rode 4-6 layers of Rode viola. Always check back the day before each classic session for a change in wax recommendation.
    Link to wax clinic for parents if you haven’t already signed up for one : . This is the only time we will run wax clinics this year so if you need help on the waxing front this is your chance. Please email me if the days don’t work for you.

    Friday to Sunday: Lake Louise Camp for last year TA skiers. You should have the camp plan and packing list from Matt. Let me know if you didn’t receive it.

    Other items:

    Link to race signup sheet:
    Will also be pasted to the top of the forum. Please fill this in for your kids for all races you know that they will do this season (scroll down to find your child’s name). This is a hugely important tool for the coaches, we use this as a race support planning tool (we will have 60-70 racers in the first AB Cup!) and it will also help me to remind families of kids signed up on that google doc when the registration deadlines are coming on zone 4.

    Registration for AB Cups 1 and 2: on (used for all races this winter). Deadline to sign up is November 26. No late entries accepted for any of these races. Link:

    Phew! You made it to the end! 😛 See you out there.

    :mrgreen: Rhonda


    Alain Parent

    Here is the link to the google sign up sheet. Once you have been here once you will see it listed on your google drive.

    *Note that deadlines are constantly added for signing up on this sheet so check back often. Also please update if things change (e.g. TA skier can no longer do a race change status from yes to no). You need to scroll down on the right to see all the kids names. They are in alphabetical order.


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