November 13-19

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    Caitlin Campbell

    Hello U14’s

    Great work at the Lake Louise Camp!  You all put in a lot of training and should be proud!

    Here is the link to see your times from Sundays TT.

    Here’s our plan for the week:

    Note for the season: The sun is going down at 5:00pm now, headlamps are now mandatory for evening sessions. Please ensure you have your headlamp before heading out the door!

    Monday(13) No Practice 
    5:00-6:30. Enjoy a night off to recover from Lake Louise.

    Tuesday(14) Skate Ski @ CNC.
    5:00-6:30. Meet at the flags.

    Thursday(16) Biathlon @ CNC.
    4:45-6:15. This week we will be doing some race simulations so you can practice for the Calforex Cup! If parents are available to help with rifle running/hit recording that would be appreciated!

    For Parents: This practice is a quick way to gain some familiarity around the range and competition rules. If you are able to come, please come out to the range by 5:00 (I recommend warm boots too). We’ll be doing a zero and warmup before we get going with the race prep portion. We should have a chance to talk what to expect on race day and what things will look like.

    For Athletes: Registration for Calforex Cup 1 is closing soon after the weekend, make sure to get registered here if you plan on attending.

    Saturday(18) Classic Ski/Adventure Run at CNC 
    1:00-3:00. Meet at the flags for a classic ski and bring runners to switch into for the second hour. Check here Friday for a Wax Recomendation.

    Wax Reccomendation: Universal Klister 

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