November 16th – 22nd **Updated**

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    Alain Parent

    It’s snowing, it’s snowing, it’s snowing ❗ :mrgreen: 😛

    After great skiing conditions in Lake Louise this last week Canmore is finally getting our share so let’s look forward to a great week of skiing both here an Lake Louise!

    Please remember, head lamps are compulsory and you need a toque if it is minus 5 (or colder) OR snowing!!

    Sickness policy
    If you are not feeling 100% then we ask you not to attend workouts, camps or races. Training when sick is not beneficial to your own physiology or health, or the health of your teammates. Coaches try to have discretion when athletes are sick but have the right to withdraw an athlete from a workout/camp/race due to illness.

    With regards to camps, if a skier becomes sick at a camp and cannot participate in the activities their parent/s will be rung and asked to come and collect them. We are not in a position to be able to pay for an additional room to isolate sick skiers to inhibit the infection of other skiers so we ask that you make a conscious effort to be honest about your health/the health of your child, and keep them at home if they are not 100% before a camp or race.

    Monday 16th: 5-6:30pm @ CNC
    Classic ski working on double pole and cornering on those long awkward planks. Recommended wax is: Swix Universal klister covered with a light layer of Rode violet stick wax gently corked (minimal corking required), if you have it.

    Wednesday 18th: 5 – 6:30pm @ The Bench
    To break up the skiing this week we will head out for a trail run leading out from Cougar Creek. This week we will tackle the Montaine trail and throw in a few cheeky speeds for good measure! Head lamps and drink belts essential. Meet at the Cougar Creek Parking lot across from the Iron Goat on Elk Run Blvd.

    Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd Lake Louise Camp 😛
    Please check the Camp/Trip document you have been emailed for all the essential details. It is also attached to this post!

    Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.
    Vince Lomardi

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