November 26 – December 2

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    Alain Parent

    Great racing this weekend. Congrats to all of you for all the effort that you put in. I am very proud of you!

    The Plank Challenge is still on!!! Remember 10 times in 14 days….

    Tuesday (27): LC/LC+. 430-600. Team room. Short skate ski first (20min), then strength in the gym (1 hour, a short session).

    Wednesday (28): LC+. 430-600. Team room. Skate ski with some sprints.

    Thursday (29): LC/LC+. 430-630. 2 groups:
    Group 1: XC athletes born in 2003-04. Wax clinic first in team room (about 1.5hrs long), then classic ski. Bring your classic skis, cleaned up
    Group 2: XC athletes not born in 2003-04. Team room. Distance classic ski

    Saturday (1): LC/LC+. 1000-1130. Team room. Classic intensity + spin on the bike at the bwtc at the end. Bring your gym clothes, running shoes and snack. DUE TO THE SOVEREIGN TRIAL RACES, THE FOLLOWING ATHLETES WILL DO THE WORKOUT IN SKATING: Issy, Luke, Maya

    “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.”
    Bobby Unser

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