November 28- December 4 UPDATED

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  • #8055

    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello LCs,

    Great racing over the weekend. Those were some early season races and we are still training a lot with the goal of racing fast in March.

    Parents- Nutrition workshop for parents of athletes presented by Kelly Anne Erdman ( The workshop will take place in the at the Bill Warren Training Centre, Thursday, December 1, 7:30 – 9:00pm. The cost is $10, please bring exact change.

    Don’t forget, Rich and Geret will be at the teamroom Tuesday, November 29, 6:00-6:30pm and Wednesday, November 30, 6:30-7:00pm to talk about ski grinding and collect your skis if they need to be grinded. You will get your skis back a few days later.

    Final reminder- Put your headlamp in your drink belt and bring it to every outdoor training session.

    Training This Week:

    Tuesday(29) 4:30-6:00 Skate Ski. Meet at the teamroom.

    Wednesday(30) 4:30-6:30 Classic ski. Meet at the teamroom. Put on a base binder klister (ideally) or hardwax (2nd best) and top with Rodi Multigrade violet. Without the binder, your wax will rip off in the first 10 min of training.

    Thursday(1) New Strength Program
    LC1-> 4:30-5:30
    LC2-> 5:30-6:30
    Meet in the gym. We’ll be inside all day.

    Saturday(3) 10:00-12:30 Long classic ski in Lake Louise on Moraine Lake Road. Wax with Rodi Multigrade Violet and be on the snow ready to go at 10am to make the most of our time skiing up there.

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