November 30th – December 6th

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    Alain Parent

    The weather gods continue to look favorably on us with superb skiing conditions! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hopefully you are all recovered from the LL Camp and are pumped for the AB Cup races on the weekend? We have done lots of good fitness and technique work over the past few months so we should be primed and ready for a fun start to the racing season.

    Monday 30th: 5 – 6:30pm @ CNC
    Classic – we will check out our course for Saturday’s AB Cup and AWG trail race, work on a good warm up and talk tactics. Wax recommendation: Rode Multigrade. Head lamp and drink belts essential!

    Wednesday 2nd Dec: 5 – 6:30 @ CNC
    Skating – traffic training, Sunday race course inspection and speed work. Head lamp and drink belt essential.

    AB Cup 1 – Canmore
    A race notice will be issued during the week with all the instructions for the weekend and the glide wax recommendation. Make sure you have registered for the AB Cup races on Zone4 by Wednesday 2nd! Details are on the Club homepage and were sent via email regarding the AWG trial race.

    Friday 4th – Classic race skis to be brought to team room waxed scraped and perfectly clean!! I am hoping that everyone has had their skis flex tested with the kick zones clearly marked with 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 etc?! If not they need to come to me BEFORE FRIDAY.

    Saturday 5th Dec: 2.5km Classic race, individual start This is also the Alberta Winter Games trial race. Please see the information on how to register and other details in the email sent on Saturday.
    Sunday 6th Dec: 4km (2 x 2km) Skate race, mass start.

    Other important info:
    *If you have had your skis Hot boxed this week you need to scrape and brush them thoroughly, the iron in a layer of LF4, let it cool, scrape and brush well.
    *Please note that the release date of the block rooms for the Edmonton AB Cup races is Dec 5th so don’t forget to call and book your room if you are coming to the races.
    *We will not be submitting a group lot of skis for stone grinding this year. If your skis need a grind, we recommend the cold grind from over on Boulder Crescent. If you get a group together, the cost will be less.

    Confidence: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

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