November 7-13

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  • #6355

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team –

    They have been making lots of snow at the CNC. We might get a new loop soon!

    A few reminders/comments for this week:
    – Do some stretching daily. This will help you out with more available power when skiing and reduce the risk of injury
    – Update ilog regularity
    – Wear your heart rate monitors while training and stay in your zones
    – We are updating the ski flex tester. We will start doing flex testing when the updating is done, most likely next week

    Tuesday (8): 4:15-6:00pm. Z1-4 ski stride/run intensity. Meet at team room. Bring classic poles for striding. Bring a head lamp as we will finish in the dark

    Wednesday (9): 4:30-6:15pm. Short Z1 skate ski on frozen thunder (or other) + core strength in gym + flexibility.

    Thursday (10): 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 classic on frozen thunder with sprints + gym strength.

    No team sessions on the weekend, just Z1 skiing on your own. I recommend you go ski at Lake Louise a couple times. It’s nice to ski on fresh, new, light snow!

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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