November 9-15 *Updated Friday@ 9:45*

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello TTs,

    Just over 4 weeks until our first race of the season: AB Cup 1 & 2 hosted by Canmore Nordic. More details will be shared later this week about registration and the event. Stay tuned.

    You have all been doing a great job keeping healthy, keep doing what you are doing, rest well, distance properly and stay home if needed as per the updated health screening that was shared last week. All our health depends on our individual actions, so do it for yourself and your teammates.

    Training this week we will take advantage of a day off school (November 11) to get out for a long ski in the daylight hours up in Lake Louise.

    Monday (9) Skate Ski @ CNC
    POD 4: 5:00-6:15
    POD 5: 6:15-7:30
    Sprinting extravaganza! We will work on moving fast tonight, so get ready to get those limbs snapping quickly down the track. Meet at the Teamroom.

    Tuesday (10) Biathlon @ CNC
    POD 4: 4:45-6:15

    Wednesday (11) Skate @ Lake Louise on the Great Divide (aka 1A)
    POD 4: 9:34-12:00
    POD 5: 9:35-12:00
    Conditions are looking decent to go Skating on the Great Divide (1A). We will break up the ski with some technique work, but focus on continual distance training. It will be great to have 1 parent tailgunner per group, but more are welcome to join if you like. If you are keen, sign up on the tailgunner spreadsheet:

    Be sure to bring a snack for your drink belt to eat during training, a lunch for after training, and a change of clothes. Sitting in wet clothes and being hungry for 1 hour while you drive home is a recipe to get run down/ sick. We will take a minute at 11:11 in honor of Remembrance Day.

    Saturday (14) Classic Ski @ Lake Louise
    POD 4: 9:45-12:15
    POD 5: 9:47-12:17
    We will classic ski on Moraine Lake Road, but you must park up in the Upper Lake Parking Lot, near the Tramline Trailhead. See map below. Wax with Rodi Multigrade Violet.

    COVID-19 cases are on the rise. Hopefully you all read the email from the club sent out earlier this week. Be sure to note the isolation requirements: if you are within 2M of someone for more than 15 minutes, and they then test positive, you will be required to isolate for 14 days. So do not carpool with anyone outside of your cohort.

    Be sure to bring a snack for your drink belt to eat during training, a lunch for after training, and a change of clothes. Sitting in wet clothes and being hungry for 1 hour while you drive home is a recipe to get run down/ sick.

    This will be our last ski in Lake Louise for a little while with these 2 big skis this week as a bit of a substitute for the Lake Louise Camp that we had to cancel, so I hope many of you can make it up.

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