November overview

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  • #7785

    Alain Parent

    Race licences
    This year CCA has decided that all AB Cups will involve seeded starts based on previous performances and that all Midget racers are required to have a race licence. Luckily the good people at CCC had the good sense to make this licence a ‘Development Level Racing Licence’, $15 rather than $55.

    With our first race just over 3 weeks away it’s important to get this organised soon. Follow the link below and plug in the details that were emailed to you:

    Seasons passes are needed from Saturday 14th onwards! So make sure you have one and that you put it somewhere handy, like your drink belt, so you always have it with you.

    Race signup
    Please access the CNSC race planning spreadsheet to make sure you have indicated your intention to attend races, some upcoming events have a deadline of November 15th!

    Waxing and wax clinics
    Please ensure that you check the Forum before coming to a classic skiing workout for a wax recommendation. Often these will be added to the Forum on the day of the workout to ensure we get a wax that best suits the conditions. Much time is wasted during a workout when skiers arrive with the wrong, or no, wax on their skis. 😐

    There are still many opportunities to attend a wax clinic. I highly recommend attending one, or two, to refresh your knowledge or learn a few new things. I will run a wax clinic for the kids on Monday 7th December at the Team Room.

    Head lamps
    Due to darkening days (referring to the amount of daylight and not the state of the environment or the Syrian refugee crisis) and the need for greater safety concerns with working out in the dark the Club has decided that skiers who arrive at training without a working head lamp will not be allowed to participate in the session. 😯

    Officials Clinic and volunteering
    We are hosting an Official’s Clinic on Nov 21-22 (9am-4pm). This is to help demystify organizing xc ski races. Sign up here:

    Our club is hosting Noram/AB Cup races on Dec 5-6-8, and some positions are still open. A chance to use that new knowledge that you will have gained at the clinic. Sign up here:

    New skis?
    If you have new skis they will need to be waxed a few times to get them ready to race on. Luckily at CNSC we have a handy Hot box in the team room that can save you a whole heap of time and energy 😛 Sign up for putting your skis in the Hot box is:

    Solda Performance Red blocks are available from the Team Room at $35 a block. This is a great base wax and one commonly used at the Club for pre-race preparation of skis so please purchase a block if you don’t already have some.

    New Classic skis will need the kick zones marked correctly. This means that we place a mark for each mm of flex the give us a guide as to how many layers of wax need to go on the ski so that the skiers gets good grip without making the skis slow. Please clean ALL markings off the skis, ALL kick wax from the bottoms and sides – including any kick wax, and leave them in the ski rack in the back of the Team Room. All skis should be clearly marked with name and skiers weight in kg’s. This needs to be done before our first race in December!

    Sickness policy
    If you are not feeling 100% then we ask you not to attend workouts, camps or races. Training when sick is not beneficial to your own physiology or health, or the health of your teammates. Coaches try to have discretion when athletes are sick but have the right to withdraw an athlete from a workout/camp/race due to illness.

    With regards to camps, if a skier becomes sick at a camp and cannot participate in the activities their parent/s will be rung and asked to come and collect them. We are not in a position to be able to pay for an additional room to isolate sick skiers to inhibit the infection of other skiers so we ask that you make a conscious effort to be honest about your health/the health of your child, and keep them at home if they are not 100% before a camp or race.

    WORKOUTS ❗ ❗
    Monday 9th
    Classic ski on Frozen Thunder

    Wednesday 11th
    Remembrance Day – NO Team Training. Get out and do something active with your family for at least 60 minutes.

    Saturday 14th
    Skate ski on Frozen Thunder – technique and downhill skills

    Full season Trail passes are in effect from Sunday 15th November! Please make sure you have one.

    Monday 16th
    Classic ski on Frozen Thunder.

    Wednesday 18th
    Trail run with speeds. Location TBD.

    Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd
    Lake Louise Camp

    Monday 23rd
    REST – No Team workout. 20 – 30 minutes SLOW jog at most.

    Wednesday 25th
    Skating at CNC. Working on technique changes and accelerations.

    Saturday 28th
    Distance Classic ski – location other than CNC. Parents welcome

    Monday 30th
    Race preparation – classic

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