Oct 11th-15th

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  • #6950


    Hi Everyone, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

    This week:
    Tuesday: 4:45-6:15 Rollerski Classic at the CNC.
    Please bring your running shoes aswell. And be prepared for colder fall weather.

    Wednesday: 4:45-5:45 Run and Strength (in gym) at the BWTC.
    Parent/Coach/Athlete meeting to follow 5:45-6:30. We will be going over: fall schedule, race calendar, equipment to name a few.

    Saturday: 9:00-11:30 Ski Striding meet at the Quarry.
    meet at quarry parking lot with ski striding poles
    The plan is to ski stride up “Riders” trail to the top of the gap, then watch the finish of the AWCA Drag Race. This is a tough run up the gap by lots of the local senior athletes. We will watch 10 minutes or so of the finishers for inspiration.
    Then we will run back down to the quarry. So the finish time is a bit uncertain, but I think 11:30 should work out. This workout will be done with the T2/T3’s and led by Kathy. Phil will be away for the TA camp. Please check Kathy’s T2/T3 forum closer to Saturday if there are any changes.

    Planning Ahead:

    We will be doing a Sally Borden Day with the T2/T3’s similar to the TA day last year with a ski hike up Sulpur Mtn, lunch at SB and gym time with pool. It is set for Oct 23rd/or 24th, just waiting to hear on gym time from SB. Mark it in your calendars, it will be a fun day. Typically it has been $20 for lunch, gym, and pool time. And the day being from 9:00am-4:30pm. More details to follow.

    See you soon.

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