Hi everyone,
Here is the week ahead, note that different time and day for the second workout!
Monday: Elizabeth Rummel. Dress for the weather. Going to be lots of fun because we will join the TT kids for a combo workout.
Friday: (NOT Thursday).4:30-6pm Gymnastics with Canmore Illusions coach Kelly! Meet in the Rec Centre lobby dressed in tights and jacket, running shoes with shorts and t-shirt underneath. WE will warmup outside with a run and some stretching then go back to gymnastics gym upstairs for a one hour gymnastics session.
Saturday: Banff Day!! Full day of fun for ITA and TA kids (all 47!). Action packed day consisting of a hike up Sulphur Mtn, followed by lunch at the Banff Centre, games in the gym at the Sally Broden topped off by a swim in the pool.
Who: Everyone in ITA and TA, parents welcome to join for the hike (and we need some drivers to shuttle kids to Banff Centre
When: Saturday Oct. 25th, 9:30am – 4pm
Where: Meet at upper parking lot of Sulphur Gondola near trailhead for Sulphur Mtn at 9:30am
What: Wear hiking clothes approriate for the weather (running shoes and layers, bring a jacket), bring water and a snack, shorts and t-shirt for the gym, indoor running shoes if you have some, swimsuit and towel, googles and $20 (covers lunch, gym rental, swim costs)
How to sign up: We need numbers for lunch reservation. Please sign up on doodle by Wednesday Oct 22, 8pm on this doodle if you are coming. http://doodle.com/mquntvy6auudbpbv
See you out there!