Oct 22-28, 2012

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  • #7274


    HI T1/2s

    here is the upcoming week

    Tuesday Oct 23 – lets meet at Quarry lake parking lot – 5-630pm – we are going to run – but be prepared for a bit of a contest (amazing race style) – wear some warm clothes – its sounds like it might be snowy!

    Thursday, Oct 25 – classic ski at frozen thunder – 5-630 – meet at team room – arrive at 445pm if you want to wax your skis when you arrive – focus will be on ski specific strength and technique. waxing recommendation – 4-6 layers of rode multigrade (if you dont have this wax yet, you’ll want to pick up a tube)

    Sat, Oct 27 – no practice – due to ski swap – please get out for a skate ski at frozen thunder later in the day – free after 5pm.

    Winter is here!


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