Oct 29 – Nov 4 – details

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    Hi T1/2 athletes and parents

    Here is the upcoming week’s sessions

    Tuesday, Oct 30 – Skate skiing at Frozen Thunder – 5-630pm – Halloween is approaching – there might be some spooky prizes tonight!

    Thursday, Nov 1 – Classic Skiing at Frozen Thunder – 5-630pm – we are going to work on some downhill technique and climbing – get ready for fun! waxing info – apply a layer of guru green klister as a base, set outside to cool for 5 minutes, then when the klister has hardened/frozen bring the skis back in and apply a layer of swix universal ( or two layers of universal if you don’t have guru green).

    Sat, Nov 3 – 930-1100am – team room – run and ski stride/walk at the nordic centre


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