Oct 9-15

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    Rachel Koroscil

    An intensity week with the 2 xc running races. Take good care of yourself this week, get good sleep and roll your legs at least 3 times.

    Tuesday (10): (LC/LC+) RS-CL COMBO We will do some primers for tomorrow’s XC Zones. 4:30-6:15pm. Meet on range.

    Wednesday (11):XC Running Zones in Sundre. No team workout today. Light stretching and rolling in the evening.

    Thursday (12): (LC/LC+) RS-SK and strength in gym. Some of you will start with RS, some with strength. 4:30-6:30pm. Meet at team room.

    Saturday (14): (LC/LC+) Roller Ski Skate Combo 9-11 Bring Runners to start, we will do some drills and games. Then we will do 1h of combo with primers for the race on Sunday. For those of you not doing the race, we will add some intensity to this workout.

    Sunday (15): Confederation Park Relays. Race starts at noon but arrive around 11am to sort out waivers, bibs and warm up. http://www.gumbot.ca/ Hot soup, rolls and beverages will be served. All runners are requested to bring a dessert (cookies, squares, muffins, etc.) to share with race participants. Bring a mug, bowl and spoon to reduce the amount of waste. Bring safety pins.

    Next Saturday (21st) we will likely go to Mt. Shark so prepare for that. Hope you can all make it.

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