October 10-16 UPDATED

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    Alain Parent

    I hope you enjoyed some turkey and had a restful weekend. It’s now time to restart “normal” training.

    Please read the Saturday posting as it involves registering for a race this week. Not sure about Paul on this one, need to talk first.

    Tuesday (11): Team room 4:15-5:45pm. Jump on your RS-Cl when you get there and do a Zone 1 warm up until 4:40pm. Meet in the biathlon at 4:40pm. We will do some Z3 and technique today.

    Wednesday (12): No team training. Check TP.

    Thursday (13): Team room, 4:30-6:30pm. We will start with some Z1 & speed on RS-SK. We will then move to the weight room for some strength.

    Saturday (15): Most LC’s to register for the Spray Drag Running Race. All will run 5km even if the registration says 7.5km. Rundleview starting point. See race information here including maps and zone4 registration link. http://www.albertaworldcup.com/main.php?p=1100

    Meet at 8:15am in stadium for briefing. You can start your warm up after. Start times are: Under-19: 9:30, all other categories: 9:45

    The only exception is Marc, Ben and Stefan to do the following intensity with the T3’s:
    9:00 – 11:30 ski stride and watch finish of “drag race”. Meet at quarry parking lot with ski striding poles. The plan is to ski stride up “Riders” trail to the top of the gap, then watch the finish of the AWCA Drag Race. Then run back down to the quarry. So the finish time is a bit uncertain, but I think 11:30 should work out.

    I will also post extra information about the race (ex: meet time) later this week.

    Note: Always bring running shoes with you even if we have some RS planned. We might experience some nastier weather (cold, slippery) at this time of year.

    All for now 😆 😆

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