October 10th – 15th

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    Alain Parent

    Tuesday 10th TT Biathlon: 6:30-8:00 – Bring runners and your parents! Tonight will be a practice race to prepare for the Kinder Cup! It is also our Parent’s night where parents get to try biathlon. Hope to see you all there!

    Wednesday 11th 5 – 6:30pm: On benchlands trails
    Tonight we will put our ski striding technique to the test with some striding speed work on the Benchlands trails. We will have special guest coach Jack Carlyle from AWACA to help us stride with pride 🙂 Meet at Elizabeth Rummel school upper parking lot at 5pm. You’ll need your ski striding poles and water belt/drink bottle.
    **Good luck to all T2Ts who are running at XC Zones today. Run like the wind then have a rest when you get home, no need to come to the workout for more running!


    Sunday 15th 12 noon @ Confederation Park, Calgary
    3 x 4km relay around Confederations Park, teams have been entered based on Doodle sign up. If you can not make the relays please try to find a replacement and also let me know, we are also short 1 youth female runner so if you know someone keen, let me know. Meet at 11am to collect your bib then we will head out for a group warm up. You will need to bring: $6 (exact change please), safety pins for your number, something to share at the potluck lunch – can be savory or sweet, your own bowl/cup and spoon. Please also bring a full change of clothes for after the race.

    **Don’t forget to bring your skis to the team room if you would like them flex tested and make sure you’ve tried on all those ski boots and measured your ski poles!**

    It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.
    Lena Horne

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