October 15-21 Updated

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  • #9432

    Matt DeCarufel


    Great work out at XC Running Zones last week and a solid weekend of training out at Nipika. You all should be fatigued at the start of the week, but the energy should be coming up as the week goes on.

    Thank you to everyone who has been getting in for your second blood test of the year. Send those results onto us by Oct 30.

    Parents, if you are planning to come to Sovereign and want to stay in the adult house reserved by the club, please let us know on the doodle by Oct 25 as noted by Alain in his email: https://doodle.com/poll/3rfiywsbric7ms27

    Training this week:
    Monday(15) Rest day

    Tuesday(16) 4:30-6:00 LC/LC+ Skate Rollerski on the Legacy Trail. Meet at Travel Alberta.

    Wednesday(17) 4:30-6:00 LC+ Running with some Bullseye intensity. Meet at the Eagle to run on the dirt on the Sunny Side of the Valley.

    Thursday(18) 4:30-6:30 LC/LC+ Strength. Meet upstairs at the BWTC for 15 minutes of outdoor warm up, then hit the gym.

    Sunday(21) 11:00-1:30 TT/LC/LC+/RAD/Parents Confederation Relays! Meet at Confederation Park at 11am to finalize registration (pay your $6 and sign your waver). Race Start at noon. Bring a desert or soup and a reusable bowl/spoon/mug for the potluck social after the race.

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