October 18-24 * Updated Tuesday 3pm

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  • #14212

    Alain Parent


    We are planning the races for this fall and winter. Please help us by filling in the following spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MCxfd6Qg142NbSPAYbn1gyrESuq3LqQ-8OGzC27nTgU/edit?usp=sharing

    LC Race Path is also available here: LC Race Path

    MONDAY (18)
    Meet at the BWTC at the times below. Go for a ski on FT for 30-45min either before or after your time in the gym.

    5:00-6:00 – Heidi, Sabine, Sophia, Theo, Anna, Ben T
    6:00-7:00 – Kaisa, Tobias, Tabby, Bjorn, Ben B, Felix, Callum

    Tuesday (19)

    445-615: Due to the FT snow conditions being very soft today we will skate ski on FT and run. Arrive at 445 and warm up OYO on FT for 15min. Meet at the groomer at 5pm.
    Note: Really try hard to start training at 445pm so you don’t loose precious training time.

    Wednesday (20)

    445-615: Skate intensity on FT. Arrive at 445 and warm up OYO for 15min. Meet at the groomer at 5pm.

    Thursday (21)

    445-645: Classic ski on FT and strength in the gym.

    Women in the gym first 445-545.
    Men on FT first 445-545. Meet at the groomer.

    Classic wax recommendation

    WORTH DOING IT WELL WITH THE BASE KLISTER. FT is very old granular snow and requires a base klister. Initially it will take you 15 minutes to do this wax job. With time, you will get better and the time will drop to 5 minutes. Don’t let your parents do it for you, learn and develop indépendance.

    • First sand the grip zone with sandpaper grit#120.
    • Apply a very thin klister base of purple or blue klister (Swix or Rode). Use a heat gun and an old cork to smooth the klister. A good video example here, but you don’t need a 2nd iron!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VLtqGm9KQ0&list=PLMUuC-couB8j_nUcVMb2jNUv9sGwzgePU
    • FOR THURSDAY’S CONDITIONS: Apply about 8 dots of Swix Universal klister on each side of the groove AND 5 dots of red Rode Rossa klister or Swix red klister on each side of the groove. Mix and smooth. Check the wax video link below.

    If you apply the base klister, you can just add a small layer of Swix universal for your next ski outing. Without the base klister, the “day klister” will sheer right off and you will need to redo the wax job after 45min of skiing!

    Wax videos HERE

    Waxing chart HERE

    Saturday (23)

    SKI!!!!  Remember that you need a FT early season pass or day pass plus a FT bib.

    Two groups this morning. See below.

    Group 1: Arrive at 830 and ski for 15min, meet at the groomer at 845. Classic intensity on FT and finish with a run. Don’t forget your running shoes! Finished at 10am

    Group 2: Arrive at 1030 and ski for 15min, meet at the groomer at 1045. Classic intensity on FT and finish with a run. Don’t forget your running shoes! Finished at noon

    Classic wax recommendation: If you have the Thursday wax on, get the chunks out and add about 6 dots of Rode Rossa klister or Swix Red klister (kx65) on each side of the groove and smooth out.

    “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”
    – Michael Jordan

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