October 18-24 UPDATED

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  • #6628

    Alain Parent

    Hello Team, great job last week! The fitness is coming along, just in time for the snow! A busy week coming up, make sure you read everything below…

    Monday (18): Rest day

    Tuesday (19): Team room 4:30-6:30pm. Z1 skate ski on snow (with on-snow poles) followed by strength in gym. Bring dry/clean shoes and strength B routine. Roddy and I will be available at the end of the workout to check your skis and poles. Bring your fleet of skis if you need advice in determining if you need new skis for this winter. I will have the new Fischer skis today (if you ordered from CNSC, not CCA).

    Wednesday (20): Z1 run + Z3 ski striding. Meet at Three 3 Sisters Parkway and Blvd, 4:30-6:15pm, bring a headlamp for the last few minutes of the workout. Also bring your heart rate monitor/watch, water bottle and appropriate clothes

    Map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Canmore,+Alberta&sll=51.078023,-115.36005&sspn=0.007105,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Canmore,+Division+No.+15,+Alberta&ll=51.054897,-115.318809&spn=0.007108,0.01929&z=16

    You will receive your training plan by email today.

    Thursday (21): Team room 4:30-6:30pm. Today is individual meetings (15min each). I will meet with the xc skiers, while Roddy meets with the biathletes. Please bring a watch today. You will skate ski on the loop for half the time (bring classic AND skate poles), and run in the second half. You need to bring your goal form filled in (as much as you know).

    Friday (22): CNSC Ski Swap consignment today, 6-9pm, bwtc.

    Saturday (23): CNSC Ski Swap. 9am-1pm. Line up early if you want to purchase equipment.

    We will not have a club hike today. Plan your own activity today; try to be active 1-2 hrs.

    You have until Tuesday (26) to register for the CNSC Lake Louise camp: http://www.doodle.com/2kap9628645t6r2u

    Congratulations for reading through this epic posting……….

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