October 23rd – 29th

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    Alain Parent

    Thank you to all the parents who’ve put their equipment in for testing. The final testing will be done on Monday during the day so if you have not yet put your skis in the team room please take them to the Bill Warren and leave them in the Canmore Nordic office. Just a gentle reminder that they need to be very well cleaned – completely free of kick wax and glide wax, the name and weight in KG’s should be clearly marked on the ski.

    Monday 23rd 5 – 6:30pm @CNC
    Today we’ll test out our ski legs and head out on Frozen Thunder however we will split our time in half working on our agility and strength as well as skate skiing. The girls will ski first and the boys will do some agility first with the groups changing over half way through the session. Bring your skate skis, poles, boots, running shoes and drink belt. Please make sure your skis are well scraped and brushed before you arrive!!

    Interclub Pre-Swap Ski Swap. This is for good race skis and equipment with lots of life left, not rock skis.

    If you have equipment to sell, write on a piece of painters tape: your name, phone number, price, and information about equipment (weight range skis are good, snow conditions, anything you know).

    If you are purchasing equipment, you must coordinate with the seller before it can leave the teamroom. If you want to try something on, please do so in the teamroom. Do not take it home, bring your child to the teamroom to try on equipment.

    Dates: Monday, Oct 23 to Thursday, Oct 26.

    Time: After Team Training Sessions. Coaches can help with ski selection after sessions. The teamroom will be locked unless there is a coach present:
    Monday at 6:30

    Tuesday at 6:20 and 8:00

    Wednesday at 6:30
    Thursday at 6:30 then all gear picked up by 6:45

    Equipment should be dropped off on Monday evening. Any unsold items must be picked up by Thursday, October 26 at 6:45pm. Anything not picked up by this time will be considered a donation and put into the Club Ski Swap on the weekend.

    Wednesday 25th 5 – 6:45pm @CNC
    It’s time to test ourselves against the clock again with the Uphill Monitoring Run. Please make sure you’re on time so you can join the group workout.

    Saturday 28th 12:30 – 2pm @ Lady MacDonald
    Hike up Lady MacDonald meeting at parking lot near round-a-bout on Benchlands Trail and Elk Run Blvd. Parents, siblings, dogs welcome to join.
    **Please note that this is the Ski Swap Consignment Day!

    Sunday 29th 9am – 12noon @ BWTC
    See Club website for full details!

    Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.
    Michael Jordan

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