October 24-30 – Updated Thursday 8am

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    Alain Parent


    Monday (24)
    5:00-6:00  Strength with Chelsea at the BWTC. Arrive 15min early to warm up on the bike.

    Tuesday (25)
    4:45-6:45  Skate ski on FT + strength in the gym
    U18 start in the gym
    U16 start on snow – meet at the end of the biathlon range

    Parent meeting 630-715pm, bwtc

    Wednesday (26)
    445-645 Ski Sandwich!!!
    1) Meet at Lion’s Park
    2) Load skate skis, boots, and poles into Alain’s car
    3) Run up to CNC
    4) Skate ski on FT
    5) Run back to Lion’s Park

    Thursday (27)
    445-615 Skate ski intensity on the FT. Meet at the end of the biathlon range.

    You can start delivering skis to be tested today.  If you have grown 3kg or more, it will be good to redo your lines on classic skis. They can be delivered on Saturday as well. Ensure they are clean, scraped, and have name/weight in KG on them. 

    Saturday (29)
    945-1130  All XC skiers will ski together today (starting at 945am). Classic skiing on FT and ski striding (bring your SS poles and running shoes). Meet at the team room. Bring your bib!
    Wax guide HERE.

    It’s klister conditions

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