October 29-November 4

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    Matt DeCarufel

    Hello TTs,

    Great work last week at all the team sessions. Lots of great training completed and more fun sessions to come. Lots going on this week:

    Inter Club Pre Ski Swap:
    Good fitting race equipment can be hard to find, so if possible we want to keep it in the club and pass it onto the next generation of skiers. We will host an inter club ski swap on Wednesday and Thursday in the teamroom. If you have items to sell, please mark your name, phone number, price, and details about the equipment on painters tape. If they are skis, please mark the weight range that the skis are good for. Again, just RACE EQUIPMENT. You can also shop. Bring your unsold equipment to the ski swap on Saturday. Drop off items on Wednesday before training, pick up any unsold items by 7:30PM on Thursday.

    Annual CNSC Ski SWAP:
    Sale: Sunday, November 4, 2018
    Time: 10:00 am to 12 noon
    Early Bird Ticket Holders: 9:00 am to 12noon- Highly recommend getting a ticket
    Location: Bill Warren Training Centre

    Saturday November 3rd, 2018
    Time: 9:00 am to 12 noon
    Returns: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
    Location: Bill Warren Training Centre

    CCC Racing License:
    We recommend that TTs purchase the CCC Development License. It is only $25, you will need it or a day license for any CCC sanctioned race, and can be purchased here: http://www.cccski.com/Events/License-Applications.aspx
    Some info for the application:
    Club Official: Liz Baker
    Coach Name: Matt DeCarufel
    Coach NCCP Level: Advanced Certified CCI-T2T
    Coach NCCP#: 5684433

    One last item: 100% of program fees were due on October 1st. If you did not submit your fees, it needs to be done as soon as possible.

    Training this week:
    Monday 29th 5:00-6:00 @ LGMS
    Agility, Strength, and Speed all on foot. We will be super speedy tonight, so lace up those running shoes nice and tight. We are shortening the session by 30 min because we know it is Radical Reels tonight, but hopefully you all can fit in the session, eat a quick supper and head to Banff.

    Wednesday 31st 5:00-6:30 @ CNC
    Running warm up and mobility, then a skate ski on Frozen Thunder. Break out your best Halloween costume (that you can move in).

    Saturday 3rd 12:30-2:00 @ LGMS
    RADical Scavenger Hunt! We will have all the RAD athletes out today to help us with one radical scavenger hunt. Bring your running shoes.

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